Seach The Maas Family Blog

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Maases Visit - Baseball and Bikes

We drove to the butterfly house - only to learn about the effects of our warm winter...The butterflies started coming back early, which was so exciting for the people at the butterfly house - until the first cocoons started opening.  Expecting a beautiful creature to emerge, they only found nasty bugs.  There is a bug that plants its eggs inside a caterpillar.  When the eggs hatch, they eat the caterpillar while it is in the cocoon.  Thus, when the food source appears early and lasts longer, the predator (not quite the correct word but it will have to work) also increases its population.  Grand effect...very few new butterflies this year.  They don't know what the long-term effects of this off-weather will be because this hasn't happened before in the history of the butterfly house!
 I just love Emily's face below.  I so love when the girls play happily together.  They went to 'watch' Ben's soccer practice...
 A typical meal that isn't removed the second the patron is finished...

 An Akron Aeros game complete with AWESOME fireworks!  We love going to the Aeros games!
 The kids all love the food.  Annie makes her own entertainment... I got a ball!!!  Nope, I didn't catch it.  I made friends with one of the guys in the dugout while wearing Annie's pink glove.  Towards the end of the night, he got a ball, pointed at me (around a bunch of little kids begging for it) and tossed it to me.  :)

 Ben had a Cub Scout activity with his school troop.  We went to catch the Cuyahoga Valley Railroad.  You can ride for $2 or $3 with your bike and then you bike back to your car.  Super duper fun!  It was a 6.5 mile ride and we didn't think Emily and Annie would be able to do it on their little bikes, so we asked Gma and Gpa to take further on the train.  They checked out part of the Erie Canal and then met up with us at the end!

 Mitchell LOVES riding on the bike...just not for over an hour...We had a great time and can't wait to do it next year when we have some bigger bikes at our house!!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

It looks like you have been having lots of fun. all of your kiddos look very grown up. miss you