Seach The Maas Family Blog

Monday, October 29, 2012

To Remember

I have the busiest day today.  Annie was sick last week (threw up at school) and missed her class Halloween party.  Friday she asked if we could do a little party at home since she didn't get one and invite some of her friends.  I said yes, thinking there was still plenty of time.  Long story short, after she said family prayers that night (being thankful that mom would throw a Halloween party), I knew I was locked in.  (((Enter in another throwing up child and a husband out of town and no way to run errands)))  We planned activities late Saturday night, made invites after church and delivered them, had Andy's celebration dinner Sunday (including china dishes! - minus the main dish of grilled chicken breasts as the grill wouldn't all light up - substituting scrambled eggs...on china dishes!), and then today is the day!  Mitchell and I have been to 7 stores, in the cold rain.  It's 11:15 and I have 4 hours to finish (and start) making 3 costumes and get food together for party tonight before the kids get home so we can rush through homework, get on costumes, cook food and hopefully decorate!

Things to remember - Mitchell - love this kiddo!  He is soooo super sweet.  He repeats most words I say, as long as they are less than two words.  One salesperson at JoAnn's said, "Bye sweetie."  As we walked away, Mitchell mimiced, "Bye sweetie!"  When he doesn't want something, he says the word and shakes his head no.  While shaking head side to side, "Buckle!"  No, he doesn't want to be buckled in the car...again!  When he wants to walk, (while saking head side to side) "hold you!"  It's the cutest thing and makes me laugh every time!  Love these kiddos of mine!!!!

Now, off to put a cute little person to bed, make a bat costume for Annie, a Davy Crockett costume for Ben (after 3 stores to find 'coon hat!), and hem Cleopatra for Emmers!


Jamie said...

A day in the life of an amazing mother who wants her children to have an awesome childhood!

Megan said...

Wow--you are awesome to plan such a big party last minute. I hope it goes well!