We spent one morning while Emily was at school doing her Christmas shopping for the kids. Once Em crashed and Mitchell was fed, she wrapped gifts, while I continued to work on Ben's crocheted blanket that is taking much longer than I expected!!!
Grandma loves to scrapbook, so she and Emily spent one afternoon creating some baby Mitchell pages.
Then she spent the evening scrapbooking with Ben and Annie. They all love creating pages with her. Very interesting to see how differently they like to do them!
More scrapbooking...
Staying up late on a Friday night 'watching' a movie - the night before Grandma flew back to Texas.
Building with Lincoln Logs on a beautiful November day!
Emily finally getting a turn with Mih-ell Mi-el. Yes, he's wrapped in a pink blanket...it was convenient and I didn't want to go down the stairs to get another one... :)
After bath #2 - super-duper curly hair! (And yes, Annie is pretty much always where Mitchell is, especially during bath time!)
Finally some quiet time to love on the baby by herself!!!
Apparently I have a cousin that lives in Michigan 4-5 hours away. I have never met her. (My mom has 7 siblings; they each have several children - I have a lot of cousins...even another handful or so that I haven't ever met!) Wendy was grown up and gone before I was even in existence! She saw on Facebook that Mom was coming to visit, so she and her family drove down to visit! SO FUN!!! This is her little Sydney (who is in between Annie and Emily). I was shocked looking at the pictures of how much Emily and Syd look alike - yes folks, these are the Mitchell genes!!! Now I have a new favorite cousin (because she lives the closest to me!) named Wendy that we are going to visit next summer!