Mrs. Shearer, whom Annie already adores. I'm hoping to help in the classroom at least every other week, assuming that she needs help. There were over 12 parents that signed up on the list!
We were a bit late getting Ben to school since I promised the kids I would make pancakes but then misjudged time. We got his picture coming OFF the bus!
This is his cheesy smile, right before telling me his day was, "fine" and running down the street to see the neighbor girl who just came home. I did get more details later, but not many! He also really likes his teacher and thinks she is going to be great because she wears modest clothes. :)
After school snacks...this cucumber was from the garden but the inside was gooey, so I didn't send it with Ben. I sent him 1/3 of a bell pepper instead. Emily snagged the leftovers and went to town.
Annie wanted some too!
This was today as Emily and I walked B and A to the bus stop. I did amazingly well today with controlling my tears! Yesterday I was an absolute MESS!!!
Waiting for the bus...
Here we are - bus #10! I need to figure out the bus driver's name since it is no longer Jo Momma (she signed an end of the year card with that, so I know Ben was right!). I told Andy his name might just be Jo Daddy! We'll figure it out. They both came home beaming today, although Ben quickly lost his when Annie pulled out the tootsie pop she got from her teacher today. The competitiveness continues...