We have two Christmas trees; one is small and all ornaments can be touched, the other is Mom's and Dad's and is not touchable. While I was putting on Journey (somehow the Christmas CD from the other night is missing), Ben got a knife and opened both boxes - without me knowing. He is so quick to just do what needs to be done! :( :) (mixed feelings there) I told him it was his job to do the kids' tree and he got right to work! Then he helped me with the bigger tree because each branch goes in separately.
As much as I have been dreading this because it is normally very chaotic - this year it was really fun! No one was too naughty, and we just had a great time! I think it helped that we were only working on the tree and not the decorations at the same time. It only took us 7 Journey songs to put both trees together! Thankfully we ended just before Cyberchase came on because my patience was waning.