Seach The Maas Family Blog

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Emily's Birthday Party

She is three and finally had her first birthday party! She was soooo excited! She'd gone the day before to her first party, so she knew exactly what was going to happen! We played a game with skittles, matching the colors and then counting how many of each color.
We played a dancing game. When the music stopped, you had to stand on a color. If I picked your color, then everyone would clap and cheer for you! Emily won this time!
Somehow I missed the pictures of making Fruit Loop necklaces. It was a rainbow party, if you can't tell. Everything had to do with colors. I love little Nora's face in this picture. Emily got slap bracelets to decorate; you can just imagine the fun she (and Ben and Annie) have had with those!
Then we had an egg hunt with each child finding a different color of eggs.
Emily found one of Tyler's! Ben and Annie were great helpers. We also hid some special purple eggs for them for being such fabulous helpers, especially with the prepwork!
Look what I found!!! Happy Happy Birthday Emily; Cherish these memories because they won't happen again for another 2 years!!!
***And, yes, Ben woke up telling me what games he wanted to play at his birthday August!!!***


Jamie said...

Looks like it was a fun party!! And - Ben WILL remember all the games he wants to play!

Jamie said...

I'm so glad that you can finally get Em's hair back in pigs!!!