Seach The Maas Family Blog

Friday, June 11, 2010

Lawn Stuff

I have all these thoughts, and occasionally they make it onto Facebook, but not near enough make it onto our blog, which is someday going to be preserved!

A few weeks ago, I was moving the lawn with our barely-hanging-onto-life mower, that I had to pray for to start each time I filled it up with gas. I found a frog and called Annie over to see it, because she told me that is her very favorite activity (finding and catching frogs in the yard). As she is trying to chase the frog, he hopped right under the side of my mower! Dumb frog!!! I was completely shocked and Annie looked at me wondering what had happened. I lifted the mower up and pulled backwards; no more frog! She got over it quickly, but I was traumatized.

Even worse, the mower stopped working. GRRRRR - I was about 1/2 way done with the yard (an hour into it) and I could not get the mower started again!!! Everything I saw online says the mower shouldn't have stopped working because of a little frog, but I wonder if his blood combined with gas and shorted something out. Andy tried and tried to fix it, to no avail.

We debated buying a new one and looked around for a week or so. Then, magically, a newer looking self-propelled mower showed up on Craigslist. Our old mower was NOT self-propelled, so the prospect looked good. The guy had moved to a 2 acre lot and bought a riding-mower. It was a name-brand that Andy liked. So, one day he left work and drove to the middle of nowhere to look at this mower. It started easily and ran well, so we got a new-to-us lawn mower!!! So easy to start. My one (okay two) complaint(s) is the actual propelled part of the machine. Definitely made for a man's hand; mine are tiny. AND, it's only on the right-hand side. I am left-handed. I turned it over to Andy today about 2/3 of the way through because my hand was cramping up. Then, I went for a little run around our few streets. It was fabulous! Can't believe I can run, at noon, in June and NOT DIE!!!

Thanks for listening. It's been a fun and busy morning, but now it's time for everyone to shower and clean up! Ben was a fantastic helper all morning, cleaning the bathroom, the mirrors, and vacuuming the stairs. Then he went outside and cleaned up all the sticks from the storms we've had the last few days. THEN he pulled weeds for awhile too. (I only asked him to do a few things and he did the rest on his own.) And yes, he will hire out. :)


Jamie said...

Mowing the lawn in boy's work!
Poor, poor froggie - glad Annie wasn't too upset! That Ben - what a great kid...

Amy said...

I'm still concerned about this frog...

Heather said...

Bravo Ben!
Poor little frog - guess it is his own fault...
Yea for machines that work.

Bonnie said...

I know what you mean about those made for men's hands mowers. Sometimes I will get a ponytail holder and fasten it onto the handle so that my hand is not in distress, thus negating the saftey feature of pressing the lever to have the mower go forward or for the engine to keep going.