Seach The Maas Family Blog

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I know - this is the longest time EVER between posts, but we are having a fabulous time in Texas! We all go to bed exhausted every night, and I haven't had a buddy join my bed since we've been here. Pools are amazing things for busy little kiddos!

So far we have seen a bunch of friends and have plans to see more next week. We hit the Children's Museum and have plans for the Zoo next week. We have swam a LOT and eaten from a few restaurants on my list (another one will be visited tomorrow for lunch). The kids have LOVED seeing so many friends, and I've been amazed at how easy it is to slip back into friendships that have been put on hold the last 11 months.

I've also decided that I need a wife or two! I cook during the week and try to have food ready when those working family members get home. Then (and this is the very best part!), we all work together to restore the kitchen! In about 15 minutes, it is back to perfection and we are all free to watch a show, play games, or go back to swimming. I have actually loaded the dishwasher (YES - MY PARENTS HAVE A DISHWASHER!!!!) twice in the last two weeks. I'm feeling very spoiled, especially when Andy called to talk tonight because he had a sink-full of dishes to hand wash... It was the longest conversation we've had yet!

I have been trying to keep my camera around and take a few pictures of each things we do. It doesn't always happen, but when going through my pictures for another project, I realized how few I have of my family. I just didn't make the effort to pick up my camera since they were always around . This trip, though, is going to be documented...some day!

We are all fiercely missing Andy, but this is but a small moment in the long run. He's been extremely busy and will continue to be for the next 2 weeks. I can't believe how incredibly fast time is flying by. Each day seems shorter an shorter as we pack more and more in. However, I think this weekend of rest will be great for the kids. Ben is barely holding it together, thus he was sent to bed at 6:15 tonight and put up the weakest fight about early bedtime. I have to have him ready for another fun-filled day tomorrow!!! And I wonder why my kids have such a go-go-go personality...

Every few days Annie keeps telling me that my tummy is getting bigger (she's right). The baby is moving a LOT now and if I am still for about ten minutes, I enjoy lots of little movements, however me getting tired quicker has been a good way to keep us from over-doing our lives. Pictures to come...someday. Now, I'm off to bed!!!


Megan said...

It sounds like you are really enjoying Dallas. I love going back there and always feel like time flys too. I hope you can pack everything in!

Bonnie said...

I am so glad that i was able to see you on your trip to Dallas. Your kids are adorable!

Unknown said...

Sounds like hurry back!

Amy said...

I love having adults to play games with at night. Sounds like you're having/had fun.

Em said...

Hey cute lady! I just caught up on your blog and wanted to say that I think you guys are awesome. I love love love seeing Andy as a dad and just getting to peek in on you fun family adventures. Congrats on baby #4! (and keep insisting that mommy gets her nap!)