Seach The Maas Family Blog

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Newsworthy Events

Okay - couldn't think of a catchy title, so that will have to do! I have two things to make mention of before my next post with cute pictures.

1. The Holy Ghost - We believe there are 3 members of the Godhead: God the Eternal Father, his son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. After baptism in the LDS church, one receives the Gift of the Holy Ghost as a constant companion - as long as one is worthy and making good choices. So, I know when I have the Holy Ghost as a companion when I am at peace. I had an amazing experience the other day with this that I wanted to share.

I was driving to an appointment and knew I was going to be about 10 minutes late. I HATE being late for things and often try to make up time while driving. (bad habit, I know...) So, I came to a stop sign and just thought I would let the other person go first as we both got there about the same time. (*NOTE - this is not my typical stop sign behavior*) About 2 seconds later I realized that actually I had stopped first, and he was waiting for me. Just as I was about to go, a car came ZOOOOMMMING through the intersection, completely ignoring the 4 way stop sign (and surely not at 30 mph). Such an insignificant thing to most, but as I stopped to think about the situation, 2 seconds earlier would have been Ben or Emily in the middle of the intersection. Just another little testament to me that God is watching out for us!

2. We finally joined a gym and with my membership came 4 personal training sessions. Larry is a 5-letter word at our home currently as my entire body stiffens if I stay in one place for too long. He told me I didn't hire him to be my friend. GRRRR - he is definitely not! But, Andy has been up at 5:15 the last two mornings to go, so I will endure with Larry...

3. I know I always have more to say, but thank you Nicole for the heads-up on the new website! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints has a new website, it's pretty neat!!! Check it out

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