Seach The Maas Family Blog

Monday, February 25, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Who kissed who first? I know that Andy kissed me first!

Who asked who out first? I invited Andy to join my little group of friends for an afternoon in Fairview, Utah to canoe and have a homemade chicken fried dinner by a friend's parents. However, he didn't ride in the same car with me, so I don't think it was a date. Our first (and ONLY!) formal date was about 10 days after we met. We went to The Roof for dinner and walked around Temple Square.

Who was the first to say "I love you"? Again, Andy. He was a bit more sure about our relationship than I was - at least according to my mom!

Who proposed? Andy - it was my 20th birthday on Labor Day so we planned a fun event for all our friends at Sliding Rock in Alpine, Utah. We played and had a great day. When people were getting in cars to go home, we decided to stay and take some pictures in the canyon (both knowing we were going to get married but not anytime soon and wanting pictures together). He proposed as soon as we found a spot to take a picture.

How long have you been together? Married for almost 8 years

How long did you date? 22 days - engaged for 7 1/2 months

Who eats more? Andy - unless it is something with cream cheese...yummy!

Who is taller? Andy

Who has more speeding tickets? Since the only ticket I have ever gotten is for not having insurance in the car (it was 2 days old and proof was on the way) - we'll say ANDY because he has at least doubled that since we've been married.

Who is more sensitive? Anyone who knows both of us is LAUGHING at the mere question. It's me...duh!

If you have an argument, who usually wins the fight? I laugh at all the people who don't say they argue or fight. Neither do we - we have "discussions" that get somewhat heated. Although these have tamed considerably in the last few years, we take turns winning. Whoever cares more about that topics wins.

Who does the laundry? Andy for the first 2 1/2 years, me ever since.

Who does the dishes? Typically me - unless Andy is home and has extra time. He did them twice on Sunday!!!

Who sleeps on the right? This is a tricky one. If you're facing our's Andy. If we're laying in bed, I am.

Who pays the bills? Andy, unless I have time on my hands without several helpers and don't have anything to blog!

Who mows the lawn? We both do. However, I tend to do it more while Andy edges. Wish I'd had a picture of being 8 1/2 months pregnant with Annie in the middle of August mowing the yard. I bet neighbors thought Andy was a punk, but I'd hoped it was moving things along!

Who makes dinner? That's my job unless I want to go out to eat and then I let Andy know he is responsible.

Who usually drives? Andy - all the time. I don't enjoy it and if he drives I can read. At least that used to be true before I had kid duty. Now I have to beg to drive so I can have a break!

Who is more stubborn? That is a great question! We'll let you guess the answer!

Who has more siblings? ME!!! This was the day after we met - those are our friends (Ben and Annie) in the water. Our first 'outing' together.
This was the first night Andy held my hand! I'm in between Annie and Emily. Tara is on the far left who never forgave me for "stealing" Andy from her.
This was minutes after we were engaged.
And the classic wedding photo. Unfortunately, we married before digital photos were popular!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! Love the refresher on "The Andy and Lindsey Love Story". So fun! And, about the wedding pics...did you notice the reflection of the camera in mine? Yeah, they're pictures of pictures from our wedding album. This was great!