Seach The Maas Family Blog

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Annie is 7 years old!!!

 Oh, sweet Annie's birthday was on the 2nd day of school.  She helped me make cupcakes to take in.  We had her birthday dinner the next night - grilled drumsticks with baked beans, pineapple, and biscuits.  We had the missionaries over (as we have for her since we moved here!) and the Wests, our adoptive aunt and uncle.
 Annie has been asking for years to have her party at Pump It Up.  She has been to a bunch of birthday parties there and really just wanted to sit in the inflatable chair.  So, she called and asked family if they would be willing to not buy her a present this year and contribute to her party (because it was out of our birthday budget).  She was thrilled with her YES! answers.  The day finally came and she was being kind of 'off.'  I don't know if it was all the attention or nerves or what, but she finally got in a groove and had a great time!
 She invited kiddos from her primary class, friends from Girl Scouts, and a few little people friends that she loves to play with.  Ben was concerned about the number of boys, so he got to invite two friends as well.
 Ah, at last...THE BIRTHDAY CHAIR!!!!!
 We did cupcakes, ice cream, and snacks with drinks in the party room.
 Annie being silly...she is such a hoot!  She loves to be at the center of attention, but only when she sets it up that way.  Love this sweet girl.  She is sure to always give me a hug and a kiss before she leaves each morning; a moment that I adore!

 Part of her party favors were hairbows.  Annie, Emily, and I spent many hours in the previous days creating the perfect hairbows for Annie's friends!  She had a great time.  Her friends had a great time.  AND my house stayed clean!  Win-win all around!!!  Happy Birthday Annie - hope this year is fantastic for you!!!

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