Here is my sweet cowboy ready to go to school! He decided he didn't want everyone going to school with him, so just dad took him. While I was taking his picture he asked if he would cry. I said probably not, but I would! He asked why and I told him I'm just having a hard time with him growing up.
So, Andy took him to school. They walked to the front door and Ben says, "I'll go from here Dad." "No, Ben, I'll walk you to your class to hand you off to Mrs. S." When they got to the door, it was still locked because they were a few minutes early. They chatted with some of the other kids (Andy said Ben was showing everyone his new belt buckle - a real cowboy one - from Nonie!) until they could go in.

This little boy asked where to put his backpack, got instructions, hung it up, gave Andy a big hug, said goodbye and went to sit on the rug and look at books like the teacher told him to. He was so excited to be there!!! Andy just waited in the wings for a few minutes and said Ben didn't even look for him! May each day go as smoothly as this one did!
The girls and I picked him up at the end of the day. "So, how was your first day?!" Ben says, "It was good. When is Cyberchase on?" HELLO???? So, I pryed a few more details out of him. He's decided he would like to go to school one day, stay home the next, go to school, stay home, etc. I explained that it didn't really work that way. The one thing he did say was, "We went to the bathroom THREE times!" He doesn't go quite that often at home. :)

So, we trimmed the back of Ben's hair because I forgot to do it before school started. I left out scissors and a comb to trim Annie's hair as well since I already had the vacuum out. I thought she was getting her pajamas on, but it took me a bit longer than I thought to do Emily's. I come back into my room to find the scissors missing from the chair and no Annie. AUGHHH!!! Thankfully she had only cut a few pieces. She wants her hair to be short like Ben's who wants his hair to be short like Uncle Ned's (thanks NED!!). I was planning to take about 2 inches off, but in the heat of the moment I decided to make it match the front more. Of course Annie had to cut the EXACT same place that Ben trimmed to an inch stub last year. The frustrating piece that continues to pop out of pony tails and braids. Somehow I ended up cutting about 6 inches and we now have a lovely bob... Oops. I kind of forgot that hair shrinks when it dries and curly hair shrinks even more. It took Andy a few minutes before he could tell Annie it was cute. Then he asked if I couldn't have waited 2 more weeks until my sister comes. I'll just let her straighten it out a little bit...

A friend did the CUTEST cupcakes for her kids the first day of school. I didn't prepare enough in advance to make them like hers, so we just did letters and names for our FHE treat tonight!

Hope everyone had a great first day of school!!!
Sounds like he had a great time. Isn't it sad how they really don't need us that much after all they think!!! Glad it all went smooth, and let's hope it continues!
As for Annie's hair, you should check out my older post about when Tatum cut her hair!!! That was not good, she hardly has any to begin with!!!
I'm so glad Ben had such a great 1st day!! It's no surprise that he did so well, because you two are such great parents and I know he was well prepared.
And I think Annie's hair is way cute!
Ben is such a grown-up handsome boy! I hope everyday goes as well as this first one did. What a shock in Annie's haircut! There's nothing you could do to make her not look cute...I LOVE curly hair!
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