Seach The Maas Family Blog

Thursday, April 26, 2012

One Year Older and Wiser Too!

 Happy Birthday to my handsome husband!!!  Andy turned 34 this year.  (side note, as we were discussing the whole 'returning to law school' topic, I pointed out that Andy would be 34 when he finished and that is just really old to be getting out of school, etc.  The reply was, he's going to turn 34 anyway - might as well accomplish something that he wants to do instead of stuck someplace he doesn't want to be.  Good tip, friend!)  *Notice the awesome steaks...yes, he had to cook his own birthday dinner.  :)  I did saute the mushrooms and onions!
 No gift requests, so we went with something fun - two different types of Nerf guns!  The whole idea was to get everyone one and we could have fun with just hasn't been carried out yet!  And, his favorite treats of DOTS!  Love this little Mitchell.  If something seems like it is going to be fun, he's right in the middle!
 And, the birthday trifle...Andy doesn't really care for cake with frosting.  He's much rather have some sort of berry-pudding creation.  I must say, this one was awesome!  So yummy that I went back for more after the kids went to bed.  I don't know if it was the real cream mixed with the cooked pudding or the homemade blueberry sauce in the middle, but it was completely delightful!  And, such a sweet daddy, he let everyone help him blow out the candles!
How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways:
1.  You *mostly* always wake up happy!
2.  You watch silly shows with me late at night.
3.  You take Ben (and Annie, Emily and Mitchell) fishing, and exhibit GREAT patience with us as we have one tangled line after another!
4.  You eat whatever I make and don't complain (even if you have it week after week).
5.  You work hard to accomplish your goals...if only my goals for you were as important to you!!! ;)
6.  You have great faith and trust in the Lord.
7.  You learned to play volleyball so we could play together.
8.  You start the laundry...and sometimes finish it!
9.  You can trap mice - and empty the traps before I see them (mostly...)!
10. You patiently sigh when you are frustrated with me instead of a snide remark!!!!
11. You check on the kids when you get home, even if it is midnight...or later!
12. You do the BEST actions of Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree that all the kids have loved to mimic.
13. You help me to love and show charity instead of judging.
14. You unclog toilets time and time again...and deal with other unexpected flooding issues with the patience of a SAINT, while helping me calm down.
15. You indulge my ice cream cravings...sometimes - and have the same favorites!
16. You are learning to ignore my 'space' that is rarely organized for more than a day at a time and just look to your side of the room!
17. You vacuum all parts of the room, getting the hose out to not miss the crevices!
18. You trust me to spend our money wisely without looking over my shoulder.
19. You let me go off with the girls every so often and keep the kids happy and the house *mostly* clean while I am gone.
20. You threw me a surprise 32nd birthday party, and it was totally a surprise!
21. You have learned to grill steak how I like it, even if it isn't how you like it.
22. You make up the silliest songs to keep us all laughing!
23. You take the kids on bike rides and walks so I can have some 'quiet time' on Sundays.
24. You will get out of bed to pray with me, even if you are almost asleep.
25. You stay on top of your assignments in school (due to your awesome organization!).
26. You can work in the yard allllllll day long - kind of like the energizer bunny!
27. You are learning to call when you will be late.
28. You let me pick the movie...most of the time!
29. You will listen to my rambling stories and only stop me if you are confused.
30. You make tithing a priority.
31. You say 'thank you' when I do little things.
32. You did all the prep work for our 8 little chickens and then built them an awesome home.
33. You patiently (???) wait for me to finish a (series of...) book until the house is put back in order and the family is fed.
34. You love me!!!

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