Seach The Maas Family Blog

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Past Few Weeks... church!

1. Our little family sang in church a few weeks ago. A friend asked about 6 weeks ago if we would be willing to do sing sometime. I hesitantly said yes. 2 weeks later she gave us a date. So, every night for the last 3 weeks we have practiced I Love to See the Temple. We even drove 2 hours to the temple Friday night (and 2 hours home) to get more into the mood. ***Must have a little history, Ben is TERRIFIED of being in front of people at church. He pretended to sleep through the Primary program in October and has NEVER gone up to sing for Christmas, Mother’s Day, etc. Andy and I have been so nervous/dreading this opportunity. This morning was the absolute happiest Sunday morning I think we’ve ever had! We practiced the song about 10 times. Ben knows both verses and corrects Andy and I when we get them backwards. Annie knows about 70%. Church finally comes. It’s our turn and Emily only wants to play with the microphone. Andy picks her up and she screams/cries through the whole song. Ben came up to the podium without us having to drag him but wouldn’t look at the congregation; he just scowled at the bishopric. Annie stood on the platform and sang at the end. Alas, it is over. I’ve never pretended we are perfect, but it went much better than I was expecting! Amazingly, both Andy and I’s primary classes went better today than they ever have before. I had such a great time with my 7 10-year-olds, devouring the scriptures. It was fabulous.

2. The Heir of Slytherin: Last week our lesson was about Abraham and his covenants with God. I was supposed to teach them about what an heir is and that when you are baptized you are adopted into the tribes of Israel and thus become an HEIR to Abraham's blessings. So, we played hangman to get the class started. (I put on every body part I could think of, but the poor little man hung before they got it.) One of the kids said, "Like the heir of Slytherin?" YES!!! So, we proceeded to talk about Harry Potter for a bit and tried to make the distinction to Abraham. I'm a cool Primary teacher!

3. I'm giving a talk next Sunday on the blessings of the Sacrament. I'm pretty sure I know where I'm going with it, but I'm open to great suggestions if you have any... Here's the plan (if you don't go to church with me)
  • there are laws, God is bound when we follow commandments blessings follow
  • quick overview that Jesus instituted Sacrament to remember him
  • preparing for Sacrament (Elder Oaks's talk from 2009)
  • personal blessings - including answers to prayers

Any other ideas????

4. We sure love having Andy sit with us each week. And driving to and from church together. And taking beautiful walks around our neighborhood as we did today (with the sun SHINING!!!).

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ok, I'm glad you posted a new blog because then I remembered that I totally forgot to call you back!! :) Unfortunately I can't come tomorrow, but I would love a copy of your recipes. I've been wanting to do some freezer meals and especially since we are going to Utah later this month and leaving Andrew behind, I should probably put some meals together for him.

Oh and way to go on singing in sacrament meeting! I think I'm the most like Ben, I hate being up on that stage at church and in front of people!