Seach The Maas Family Blog

Thursday, January 28, 2010


For not hasseling me for a new post. No good reason why..other than I lost my written list of the pictures I was going to post for Christmas day and just didn't want to make another one of my favorites. What if I picked different favorites the next time?

Life just seems really busy. We've gotten Ben back in school, Andy back to classes (and late nights :( ), Annie back in preschool, and time to get back on routine. I've been cooking a lot. Andy and I aren't eating sugar (for the last 2 weeks and probably at least another 2 weeks) and instead are eating a LOT of vegetables and fruits instead with lo carbs and actually measured portions of meat, shocking, I know! I've had to go grocery shopping a lot more often because we just don't have enough room in our fridge for it all!

I will share our new favorite meal, everyone's - not just mine!
I get the super-trim ground beef (could use ground turkey, but I think it's disgusting) and put it in a bowl.
Using my Pampered Chef chopper, I chop whatever vegetables I have laying around. (Last night we did 1.5 pounds of meat with 18 oz vegetables. I made 7 BIG hamburger patties, about 6 oz each.)

Chop up the following:
4 stalks celery
1/2 zucchini
1/2 green pepper
1 onion (or more, it's sooooo yummy!)
few handfuls of spinach (I steam for about 3 minutes first)
handful cilantro
1/4 yellow pepper
1/2 jalapeno (wish I had this last night!)

Add a few healthy shakes of Worcestshire, few shakes of Tabasco, lots of pepper, and a LOT of Season All. Stir together with hands and shape into patties.

I mix the kids a little bit differently - less veggies, no Tabasco, and little fattier meat from freezer. I used 1 lb meat and made 6-4 oz burgers for them.

The kids eat theirs on bread.

Andy and I wrap ours in BIG green lettuce leaves, top with pickles, mustard, sliced red onions, and salsa.

These are FABULOUS! and surprisingly addictive. We love to eat them for lunch (incredibly filling) and the kids beg for some too.

Try um; you'll like them too! They almost taste better heated up the next day... or 3 days later!


Arica said...

My wife asked me today who Lindsay M. was because she keeps checking our blog. Feel guilty because I had to see the family picture before I even remembered. In my head I guess we are all still kids!
Glad you check in on us once in awhile and now that I have my head back on straight we will check up on Y'll once in awhile-John

kristie said...

What's up with the Halloween background?

Laura said...

Sounds yummy!

Jen said...

I'm so happy that you like them so much the you blog about it. I like your extra's that you added.

Jafp said...

Hi there. Please visit and exchange links with me with your website or blog. Here is my link:

If interested just leave a comment on my blog. Thanks

punkrocktatay said...

very lovely family you have! and a lovely blog lay-out also. peace. =)