Seach The Maas Family Blog

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ohhh...the LEAVES

We have beautiful trees...that drop a LOT of leaves in a short amount of time. One of the trees really needs to be trimmed as it hangs over the house, and therefore, dropped LOTS of leaves on the roof. We finally made two hours one Saturday evening to start raking...
The kids obviously loved it...
After scrapping off the roof, we worked in the front. This is the only pile we got to that night; it filled 12 black trash bags FULL. This was about 3 weeks ago. We have now raked about 2/3 of the front yard...anyone want some service opportunities???

I never realized how much fun could be had in a big pile of leaves. Or piles of little leaves for that matter...


barbara said...

Loved the pictures and the stories. You do such a good job with your blog! I'm glad you found your camera and are posting again.

Jen said...

I think next year you guys need to invest in a leaf blower! When I was young leaves were so fun to play in, now that I'm old it's not as fun because as soon as you rake them all up and someone jumps in, they've messed up your whole project!

Amy said...

I was just complaining that our little crepe mertyls didn't put off enough leaves to play in but I don't have a raking issue either. Think I'll stop complaining.

Travis and Jamie said...

Be thankful that you have something to rake. I'm really missing "real" trees and grass out here. Your blog makes me miss Kentucky all the more.

K8 said...

Holy guacamole!! That's a lot of leaves! What an upper-body workout...

Camille said...

Ay bendito! That's a whole lotta leaves! And some cute kids! Hope you're having a great holiday season!