Seach The Maas Family Blog

Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Addictions

Okay - I'm a little bit more calm than this morning. We'll see how Andy comes home looking tonight! Accidents happen, right? Alas - I've found a few new addictions.

1. Milk Duds - honestly, I love them SOOOO much! This all started because of my favorite chick-flick (First Daughter with Katie Holmes - before Tom Cruise entered into her life!!!) Milk Duds and popcorn is the ultimate treat! However, since we don't have popcorn everyday, I've come to ADORE Milk Duds raw (that's what the kids say when they mean 'plain'). It's so easy to pick up a few packs from the front bin at Walmart. It's just $1.07!!!

2. Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. Wow! Love it. Such a nice little feature, it will email you when friends have passed your score so you can try again. And each game is only one little minute, so you always have time for it! Sadly, I can't get away with anything less than 20 games! And all of my children know how to play now. It's better to interact this way and make them name colors and shapes quickly than watching the boob tube together, right? :)

3. Graham crackers with peanut butter! YUMMY!!! I'm pretty sure I've had these somewhere before, but we recently rediscovered them. I borrowed a book (The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale) and read on Monday. As my husband knows, that means my children, housework, and anything else I was supposed to do that day was attended to with the least amount of time possible. The girls were hungry and graham crackers were left on the counter, so I slapped some peanut butter on, cut up an apple and called lunch good. I grabbed one also and it was just divine!!!!

*I would mention books, but that is an old addiction that is reoccurring throughout my life. I've learned to try to contain kids into one part of the house so when the book is done and I've come back to the real world, the messes are limited.*


Anonymous said...

Things always look better in the daylight hours than in the half-awake night time. "The sun will come up tomorrow!" What happened to the "kid"?

Anonymous said...

Linz, sometimes you are just too honest. Yes, you are addicted to BB because you would rather play than chat with your mother!! Glad to see you are finding something to fill the lonely hours - - reading is better than eating!!

Em said...

I cracked up at your post about Ben sleeping on the stairs! And it made me smile to know that I'm not alone in feeling like my mom hours are DONE when my kids go to bed. Sometimes i feel guilty when I'm anxious for them to go to sleep but then I remind myself that after you've put in a 12+ hour day it's okay to be ready for a break!! :)
Hey, I wanted to let you know that I recorded a little album this summer and it's available online now! Check it out if you want:

Tell Andy hi and give your kids a squeeze from me!

Nonie said...

Milk Duds are the best. Not sure about the popcorn though. I will have to try it. Hope all is well and Andy has gotten fixed whatever "the kid" hurt. Give Ben, Annie and Emily a big kiss from Nonie.