Seach The Maas Family Blog

Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Day!!!

Reasons why it is a happy day:
1. My first tulip bloomed!!! It's a beautiful red. I was very worried that all the daffodils would die before the tulips bloomed!
2. In Ben's prayer last night, he prayed for George Washington to be safe in his battle and for Abraham Lincoln to enjoy his birthday. He's been learning about these things in Kindergarten.
3. I get to go scrapbooking this weekend!!!
4. Tomorrow is produce.
5. I'm actually getting a few things done.
6. The sink is full of dishes, and I don't completely dread doing them (because I've started listening to a book on cd while I do them).
7. It's just a HAPPY day!!! Hope you have one too!


1 comment:

jocie said...

i love that your son loves george washington and abe lincoln. what a good kid!