Seach The Maas Family Blog

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We have grass!!!

One year ago, we started tearing up our yard to put in a sprinkler system, in hopes of getting nice solid grass. It has been a very long year of looking like the 'white-trash' house and most of our sweet neighbors haven't said anything negative- just "looking good" whenever we are out there working. Last week, the youth from church came over and helped us get a jump on this weekend's project - laying SOD!!! We filled in the flower bed and started raking the yard and pulling out weeds. Friday night and all day Saturday was spent raking the yard in anticipation of 6 pallets of sod to be delivered Monday morning...
The sod came on a big huge truck (free delivery with our large order!) and then the man drove his forklift to put the pallets around the yard to where Andy directed him.

This was about an hour into the project. It's amazing how quickly the green changes the appearance. We didn't have the side of the house raked because we had run out of time, so Andy started raking that while I continued to lay sod in the front. We were about to run out of steam when our favorite neighbors came over to help! We finally finished laying the sod at 9 pm. Then Andy cleaned up for another hour. I haven't been this sore in a long time, and my fingers hurt the worst. But it looks great!
Yes, we just layed 3400 square feet of sod. My back hurts too. I told Andy this morning that he is moving like an old man. :) He worked so hard, but I said we cannot do another project this big all in one day because we did it ALLLLLL DAAAYYYY!!!


Crystal said...

Is that St. Augustine or Bermuda? Looks good.

kristie said...

Looks good. It is a great feeling when you finally get grass!

Lindsey said...

st. augustine - we have quite a bit of shade so the bermuda doesn't do very well. it's also what i grew up with, but andy calls it 'weeds.' no baby???

Kim said...

Wow! Your yard looks great!

Em said...

Congrats on your grass. :) Your kids are positively adorable and I can't believe how much they are a mix of you and Andy. It's fun for me to see Andy as a dad! You guys rock. Tell Andy hi from me!

Amy said...

Your yard looks great. Good job!