Pete and Andy spent most waking moments together and together decided to take an independent study class. After months had passed with no progress, Shellie and I stepped in and set up a study schedule. We would rotate houses each Saturday - the boys would study, we would make dinner, we'd all eat, and they would continue to study while Shellie and I watched movies, shopped, talked, made baby blankets, etc.
We both had babies about 6 weeks apart - although I was in Austin by that time, and we enjoyed being first-time moms together with my unlimited long distance! We've stayed in great touch over the years, seeing our husbands through grad school and long hours at work.
The interesting part is that even though Pete and Andy don't speak as often as Shellie and I do (that's typically our "clean the house" time while we talk to one another. Pete says we're good for each other because it's cheaper to pay cell phone bills than pay for a counselor while he and Andy are gone from home so much. Andy says we're good for each other because we both make so much progress at home!) they have followed each other throughout callings at church.
To our great friends - we love knowing you and learned from you! Shellie taught me to quilt and taught me everything about frozen dinners. She is my medical advice and emotional counselor! Pete keeps Andy laughing and relieves his stress. It was a hard first 6 months in Austin for him until he found another guy buddy to 'hang out' with. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement! Here's to many more phone calls and Christmas goodies!!!!
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