Seach The Maas Family Blog

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Heat is On!

And not just here in Texas! We have been super busy lately, but we've also started a friendly little competition with some friends (per a fabulous suggestion from another group that is already involved). Here are the details:

Weekly weigh-ins
Master scale and record keeping chart
couples work together
final data entry on November 4th
most weight percent lost = 2 over-nights child-free

Andy and I are competing against another couple, and we've been getting up and taking the kids on walks/runs before the heat of the day does us in! We're 6 days in and have gone 4 of those days. Why is this going to work? Because we are a competitive couple - and I continue to remind Andy that he is GOING TO work hard on this because I have supported him on several things that I didn't necessarily want to work hard on. Love you honey!!!

As for us, this weekend we had a 2-day garage sale with my mom to clean out accumulated junk and make space for more stuff! We learned to can peaches!!! I made more peach jam. I froze several bags of peaches (still in the process). (((Peaches were $0.39 at a new store here, so we bought 4 boxes - yes, that is like 240 peaches!!!))) We had an incredible produce shop. And - we exercised. :) Hope your weekend fared as well! I'm exhausted to start my Monday, but tomorrow night is book club here, so I've got to get busy getting the house ready. Because this is the ONE night all month I asked Andy to be home early for, so of course he will be out of town on business. :) AND - I need to make some yummy cakes for refreshments...can you guess which book we are reading???


Amy said...

Eat Cake?

Unknown said...

You have such an exciting life...and what a GREAT incentive in your contest. I have to tell you that all weekend I've been coveting your freezer space. I want to freeze fruit and jam in incredible quantities just like you! :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the weight loss competition! I hear about all the stuff the "others" are doing!