Seach The Maas Family Blog

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Another Morning at the Arboretum

Ben is trying to rope this steer. This has to be the funniest thing I have seen! He twirls the rope above his head and his hips are going a mile a minute. He had all the workers covertly laughing. It took Emily a few minutes to warm up to the sheep and chickens, and then she was in love! They had brushes for little hands that she 'used.'
It was a cloudy day wtih scattered thunderstorms predicted. We got caught in a downpour and had to hoof it to the covered gazebo. It seemed like a good time to eat lunch (who doesn't like to eat lunch at 10:30?) so we rested for a bit. Thus - the wild hair!
The flowers are just beautiful! It took me a few minutes to figure out what Annie was saying. She wanted to see the lollipops! Translation - tulips! She's a girl after my own heart!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Adorable! I especially love the picture of Ben. I wish I could have seen that.