Seach The Maas Family Blog

Monday, February 4, 2008

No sleep!

Again, I am soooo tired today. It is mostly my fault as I choose to stay up late Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Last night, I was in bed at 8:45 - so ready to sleep! Then my little Ben started crying. He'd got to bed with a fever and a cough and some motrin. None of us slept great last night as Ben's longest stretch wthout coughing was about 2 hours. This morning found us at the doctor's office. Ben has croup and an ear infection. Yippee! We were very glad it wasn't pnemonia. Now Ben is on steroids which I detest with a passion, so if you call in the next few days, don't expect to talk to a sane Lindsey because I will be dealing with a split-personality child, as well as a 2 1/2 year old, and a teething baby. That doesn't add up to sanity!!!

Luckily, I have 18 meals ready to cook in my freezer - our final cost was $5.30 each meal! Wait, 17 meals because Andy made over the weekend while I was scrapbooking!


Crystal said...

I'm so sorry. I hope everyone feels better soon!

Tonia said...

Wesley did have pneumonia just before Christmas. And I agree about the steroids. I hate them! "Roid Rage" and 2 year olds don't mix.
You have my sympathy. I hope you are all doing much better soon. Please let me know if I can help in any way.