Seach The Maas Family Blog

Friday, March 9, 2007

Life with a Very Pregnant Woman

Well - Things keep getting busier and busier around here. We are planning for our third child any day now. Linsdey's due date is March 22, 2007. However, yesterday she went to the doctor and the baby is measuring a week big. I just got an email from Lindsey with the following link: I think she is as described. Miserable, can't sleep, etc. Hopefully things will start moving soon and before you know it we will have the newest Maas family addition.


Anonymous said...


As a health practicioner, and as a man married to a woman who has been pregnant before I give the article you have linked my stamp of approval.

There was one problem though . . . my experience has taught me that there is a natural order to the "natural induction" methods.

First start with step 7 then go to step 9. I find lovemaking far more enjoyable after my wife has given me a massage.

After steps 7 & 9, then go to step 6. I don't know about you, but I get the munchies after sex and no better way to top it all off than some spicy mexican food . . .YUM!

After steps 7,9, & 6 have the woman go to step 3 and take the castor oil. It really works! By then I'm ready to go to sleep anyways. Heck, what am I thinking??? I'm going to be a new father soon . . . I've GOT to get some sleep while I can!

Hope this has been helpful . . .
Dr Ned

Robot Pirate Ninja said...

Yea...that's exactly what I wanted to read brothers-in-law talking about sex.

Anyway, good luck with the site. Just be careful with how much you share on here. You've already given out your wife's full name.

There's a lot of strange people on the me on that one.