Seach The Maas Family Blog

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Decisions, Decisions...

Well, Ben thinks he is scared at night, (I try so hard to convince he is NOT scared at night and just needs to close his eyes and GO TO SLEEP!!!!) even sleeping with a little lamp on and the girls in there too. Alas, tonight he came to the basement to find me sucked into a game (or twelve) of Bejeweled. I sent him back to bed because my mothering time ENDS about 5 minutes after they are all in bed. He didn't make it...
So, he is now a pretty big kiddo, and it's almost impossible for me to lift him unless his arms are wrapped around me. (I have SOLID kids, but I don't know where they get it?!?) Andy won't be home from the library for at least 2 1/2 more hours. Do I leave him there and chance him rolling down the stairs so Andy can put him to bed? OR do I try and heave him there myself and potentially injure my back and thus render any future early more workouts completely non-existent??? (Lots of big words in there, huh? Trying to impress my fancy-pants lawyer-to-be spouse.)
I'm pretty sure I'm going to leave him there. I'll just jump over him as I go to the kitchen to sort which peaches that I bought today are ready or need to ripen for another day or so... More pictures to come... :)
And yes, I have now joined the 30 club. Nothing too exciting happened around here that day... :( I'm ALMOST over that....nope, not yet!!!!) Although, we did have a yummy breakfast for dinner...


kristie said...

THat is hillarious. You have to tell what happened. Oh, and 30 is not bad. I passed that already and I still feel like I should be in high school. Although, they must be starting high school earlier these days, because the kids can't be more than 14!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey, (and you knew this would come - the mother lecture)mothering NEVER ends. I'm telling you what I didn't do most times but wish I could go back and do better. Two minutes sitting with Ben on the bed as he falls to sleep will save you much more time than trying to convince him with logic that he is scared. Just think - new house, new school, new teacher, new people all around, new church - new dynamics at home - - that's a LOT for a 6 year old. He probably is scared! I would be. . .

I couldn't have picked him up either - he is one solid body! Fun talking to you last night. How are the peaches?
Love, Mom