Seach The Maas Family Blog

Monday, June 6, 2011

So Yummy for the Tummy!

Each Monday (or Sunday) night we have Family Home Evening.  This consists of singing songs, a short lesson from the scriptures or just basic society rules/values, and a treat.  It was Ben's turn to make a treat, but we didn't have all of the ingredients so we moved dessert to the next night.  He had spent a good 30 minutes pouring over some of my Pampered Chef recipes books in order to choose.
 Ben's Masterpiece - Mint Chocolate Silk Torte - and it was FABULOUS!!!  The only part he didn't help with was taking the pans out of the oven.  He kindly also took some to his teacher at school, as he was apparently so excited to make this dessert (it honestly took all afternoon), that he told her all of the yummy ingredients.  It was delicious!!!!  Way to go, Ben!


barbara said...

Love it!! Maybe he can make it for us when you come.

Megan said...

I am so impressed with Ben! His dessert looks delicious.

Jamie said...

Mint chocolate silk torte?!?!?! I knew I loved that kid!! Amazing!!!