Seach The Maas Family Blog

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More Proof!!!

We had a huge snow storm a few weeks ago.  Typically the father in this house plays in the snow.  I've done a great job this season because, "Someone needs to stay in the house with Mitchell!"  This Sunday afternoon, Andy stayed in while the kids and I made our little snow family.
 Emily and I working together to make part of it.  Typically we get fluffy snow here, but this was wet and compacted really well.  We had such a fun time rolling all the snowmen - I was really surprised at how easy it was!
 The family is coming together..we only had baby carrots to decorate the noses and just made do...
 The sad, but sometimes typical Annie.  Ben helped Emily make her snowman bigger, so Annie's wasn't as big.  This caused major drama and falling to the ground in tears.  Thankfully (I'm sure the neighbors agreed), it didn't last long and then she was back to work.  She just has to get some emotions out before she can put herself to a task and then excel (speaking of, so fun to hear her read!!!).  Those beginning moments of doubt and "I can't do it!!!" are hard for all of us to deal with!
 What's gonna work?  TEAMWORK!  That snow was H.E.A.V.Y!!!
Fun afternoon!  I'm so glad I got coaxed into going outside.  After making our snowmen, we played snow baseball.  All the kids got to bat and run the bases (while I tried to get them out with snowballs) and then it shifted into a little snowball fight with snow angels after little bodies collapsed!  Fun afternoon!!!

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