Seach The Maas Family Blog

Monday, August 17, 2009


Since Andy and I both had to drive, we broke up our trip into 3 days, stopping each day at a free entertainment site, care of our Dallas Zoo Pass! The kids didn't do so great in the Little Rock, AR zoo, but I loved the Gorillas there! It was really hot, but I think we had prepped them so much for a long car trip, they were ready to just drive! The second day was Nashville, TN Zoo, which was really cool and very shaded. We only stayed about 3 hours and then everyone was tired. Love that the zoos are free because then we don't feel the need to drag kids around all day to get our money's worth!
The last day we went to a Discovery Museum in Dayton, OH. We stayed about 3 1/2 hours and could have easily stayed another 3 hours. The kids were begging to stay longer, but we needed to get to our house before dark. Everyone loved sleeping in hotels, and I loved going to bed when the kids did!
Our truck arrived Sunday afternoon and needed to be in Columbus early Monday afternoon, so we did a mammoth unloading undertaking Sunday night after a Stake Priesthood meeting. We had so many helpers from our new ward, the entire truck was unloaded in about an hour! The owners that we are renting from came by to meet us and were shocked at all our help, as was the truck driver and the kind next door neighbor that brought over chocolate chip cookies for everyone! I think I knew three people's names of the 20+ that were here. Thank you so much!!!


Kimball and Marianne Larsen said...

Good luck as you get settled! I have been so out of touch that I just discovered all of your adventures. What a busy summer! I hope Ohio treats you well. Way to go for keeping it all logged.

Karyn said...

Thanks for all the updates! I'm miss you all already!