Seach The Maas Family Blog

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Kind of Yucky - BEWARE

Thanks Ashlie for helping me remember!!!

1. Go to the photo folder in your computer
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3. Go to the sixth picture.
4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.

When Ben was potty-training, he was so proud of his poop. Andy was working crazy hours and ALL THE TIME then and was rarely home when Ben went potty, so he said to take a picture to show him. Ben was all over this idea so he could proudly show dad what he did and talk about it on the phone. Annie thought it was pretty cool too...

Me - I'm totally opposed to any type of potty humor, but I was also pretty proud of Ben (and very happy to be wiping bottoms off the potty instead of after time in the diaper)!!!

Now I tag some people:

1. Kate

2. Hollie

3. Joey

4. Michelle

5. Farrah

6. Amy

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