Seach The Maas Family Blog

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Isn't it Romantic???

I'm sitting at home on Valentine's Evening 'watching' Lord of the Rings for the first time ever. I have control of the remote control, as I am home alone, so I can fast forward through the fighting. Why, you ask? Lindsey, didn't you have a super fun Valentine's party scheduled at your house tonight? Weren't you planning to use the fire pit and make hot dogs and s'mores - which is your very favorite dessert ever?

The answer - yes; to all of the above. But, I have a sore throat. And, it hurts enough that I paid for a doctor visit, a lab test, and full price for some amoxicillian - on a Saturday morning (we have a new high deductible insurance plan). $139.94 later, I have the drugs I need to fight off some minuscule bacteria that we have affectionately named 'strep throat.'

Where is my family, you ask? Well, they moved the party to a park where friends of all ages join to celebrate. They also took with them the mini-loaves of Better Than Sex cake and the IBC root beers for the adults' party favors.

So, is it romantic? My throat burns when I smell the roses that my husband and children got me, so they are now in the kitchen and not on my bedside table. BUT - I have made my husband incredibly happy by watching these movies that he loves. I guess if he will listen to Twilight in the car on the way to AND from Arizona, I can watch his favorite movies (while being able to fast forward through the battle scenes).

Therefore, romance is in the eyes of the beholder...Andy carried through my plans for me, and I am watching the movies for him. I guess that COULD be called 'romantic.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We missed you!!! I hope you feel better soon. I know that I am moving but we will have to do it again. Oh the adult gifts were wonderful!!