Seach The Maas Family Blog

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Family...Isn't it about...time?

Well - I am just going to do a thankful post for a minute. My mom has 7 siblings, and each sibling has at least 4 children. Which means - I have a lot of cousins - enough I don't even count. I am the 4th youngest, I think. So, some of my cousins have children a year or two younger than me. Of course, I grew up in Texas and the majority of the cousins lived within 30 minutes of each other in Utah. A couple of them came to visit and we'd go visit my grandma every other summer for a week, long enough for me to remember names but not enough to keep in touch. Thanks to John's Christmas card with a blog address that was sent to my mom, I have found a few of my cousins and several second cousins. It's been so fun to read about similar events that are happening in their lives! This is why I love Christmas cards and blogs!!!

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