Seach The Maas Family Blog

Friday, January 25, 2008


We've had a few sayings at our house lately that need mention.
Ben's favorites lately are "That's not fair!" and "I'm bored!" Both of which irk me to no end because they are used hundreds of times each day and completely with incorrect situations! He doesn't quite understand the meanings of these words which I try to explain - but not in the right way.

Last night took the cake. When the kids complain about doing things they don't like, I point out that I don't like to do laundry but I have to do it anyway or we wouldn't have clean clothes to wear. So last night at the end of a LONG day I'd asked Ben for the third or fourth time to please put his boots away. He picked them up, took two steps, then with a quivering lip and watery eyes said, "Do I look like I am having fun doing chores? Because I'm not!"

This morning Annie came to me after breakfast and said her feelings were hurt.
"Why Annie?"
"I think I ate too much and my feelings hurt."


Andrea said...

That's funny! Kids really DO say the funniest things!

Travis and Jamie said...

oh this sounds so familiar!!