Seach The Maas Family Blog

Friday, March 1, 2013

Christmas Eve

Love my cute little monkeys - we have so much fun!  So glad that we started Christmas Eve festivities early this year - it really makes the evening go smoother and then everyone isn't too tired to do all of the things that I want to!  Putting cookies together for Santa (although kids were tired and totally forgot about this at bedtime...)
The Nativity - we went the rounds this year with part-playing.  It was Emily's year to be Mary, but she deferred - to me!  :)  Then I got the part yanked by Annie and was relegated to be the donkey...and then a sheep.
Ben was the shepherd, with his little fuzzy lamb.
Emily again played the role of angel - she just loves this one!  I just love angels in general!!!  Andy was again the storyteller and wicked King Herod.  As we have now had these rolls for the last 3 years, we're getting pretty good!
The little lamb got a bit sidetracked but yummy green stuff on the wayside...
Little munchkins all in a row....waiting to open their Christmas Eve gift (jammies for Em, Ben, and Mitchell - books for Annie!)
All the stockings were set on the sofa with care....children were nestled all snug in their beds, etc...

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