Seach The Maas Family Blog

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sunday afternoon Baking!

With Mitchell asleep, we took advantage of our time to cook!  Except for last year, each year we make sugar cookies to pass along to those special few recipients...  The kids and I made 4 batches of cookies to roll, cut, bake and frost!  Andy spent most of those 4 hours completely cleaning out the fridge and putting back on the handle that has been broken for a loooooong time! 

 Mitchell was enthralled with the drill!  (Side note: sad story...  The next morning, Ben was moving the defrosting turkey to get to the gallon of milk.  Somehow, the turkey outer bag had a hole and the turkey juice dripped down two shelves and into the veggie drawer...all spaces that had been lovingly cleaned the night before.  Also had to toss all the awesome veggies I had purchased for Thanksgiving, resulting in yet another trip to the store!!!)  The kids invited Tara, our neighbor, over to decorate with us!  Uncle Roy and Uncle David, hope you liked your cookies!  It was an all-day effort!

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