Seach The Maas Family Blog

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cutie Boys

 Ben loves Cub Scouts.  Yes, Ben really loves Cub Scouts.  He just loves learning in general, and for the most part, each week he gets to learn something new.  This is his school troop at the monthly Pack Meeting.  (We also go to the church troop and pack meetings, but Ben is the only boy his age there, so we decided to double up on Scouts; good thing he loves it!)
 Mitchell just loves to climb.  Until we moved the living room around and put the couch in front of the computer to 'protect' it, this was Mitchell's perch of choice during scriptures and books at night, regardless of the computer being on or off....  Also, an open fridge is an open invitation, right?  The girls will pull "Mitchell's" stool over to get yogurts from the top shelf.  Mitchell knows the sound of the fridge opening and hustles over to see what snacks he can find for himself as well!
 Sweet baby - time for bed!

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