Seach The Maas Family Blog

Monday, November 7, 2011

Our Favorite Summer Activity

Oh, there is this marvelous little area of berry patches, where you pick (and taste) warm completely vine-ripened berries!  Last year we did blueberries, but this year we missed those and SCORED on the blackberries!  They were huge, juicy and just beautiful! 
It was amazing to me to see the difference in the kids that one more year makes.  They did a much better job picking (mostly) ripe berries, not complaining about the heat, and just enjoying the picking.  However, I think they have a little bit too much of their mother in them... "Just a few more!" 
We introduced Cambri and Megan to the joys of berry-picking!  Sadie and Mitchell were locked in strollers clearly enjoying the fruits of our labors!  They didn't lack for big kids willing to feed their little mouths! 

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