Seach The Maas Family Blog

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

First Day of School

It's that time of year again!  I think the kids were more ready to go back to school than I was to let them!  We had such a busy summer of traveling and visiting that we never got into a good summer-playing routine.  Alas, cute kids must go learn much!

Emily - preschool.  She returns to beloved Miss Brenda and Miss Stacie
Annie - First grade already!
Ben - a big Third grader who thinks pictures on the first day of school aren't so cool...
Our morning walk to the bus stop.  For the first month, Annie and Emily would hold hands most days walking to the sweet!  Mitchell loves all these walks; I'm sure he'll love them even more when I let him start walking too!  He was keeping us very entertained with his screaming singing!  We've had neighbors across the street that the kids would occasionally play with and we'd sometimes talk to the mom.  However, bus-stop waiting has blossomed our friendship!  Love our neighbors!!!  She has been a huge encourager with my running, the kids love her little girls, and the husbands get along too!  Thank goodness for the Mays!
Mitchell and Emily have alone time since Emily attends preschool in the afternoon this year.
Oh, yes, she is pretty COOL!  Look at that swagger!  These are her sweet bus drivers that we just love.  They are so very patient when we are late and always have a smile.

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