Seach The Maas Family Blog

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Day at the Zoo

Back in the day, I had some fabulous friends, and lucky me, I've kept them for the last hmmmm 14 years!  Before Angie and her brood of boys move to Neverland, Hollie and her little Sadie came to visit for a few days!  We spent the first day at the kids favorite hangout - the zoo!!!

Angie with her new squishy toy, Asher.

This is one of our favorite spots to animal watch - birds, fish and tiny moneys - something for everone to love!

Mitchell was so glad to be out of his stroller!!!

The climbing wall that Jense nad nEmily have spent the last two years practicing on - it has now been mastered!!

The obligatory group picture!

Jensen, Hollie, Miles, Emily, Sadie, Me, Mitchell, Angie, and Asher

1 comment:

Amy said...

Fun! I want friends to come visit me!