Seach The Maas Family Blog

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Summer Job

Well, I'm sure everyone is as excited as we are to find out what job will be on our horizon this summer! However, this is still in the air. The other day, Andy called from school and asked what I thought about him being a golf caddy. Sounds great, Dear! I really do think it's a great idea. The sunshine and being outside would be great for him! However, I don't think he was being completely sincere, just testing me! His friend just got a job on a landscaping team. I told him he can do whatever he wants, as long as it pays the bills and I get to go to Texas for at least 2 weeks.

Annie still cries at least once a week (typically more like 3-4 times) for her dearest friend! I have several new babies to see, lots of friends to catch up with, restaurants to visit, a zoo to refamiliarize, friends that moved there from Nevada, friends moving to Idaho, and the list just continues on and on. Not to mention the DOERKS, who we all love! I was laying in bed this morning thinking of everyone I want to see and all the things I want to do. I'm going to need morning play dates, lunch dates, and afternoon dates to fit everything in...or just stay a little bit longer! I've also been making a mental list of food I need to is getting rather lengthy. So, Andy, whatever job as long as I can go out to eat at least twice a week in Texas! ;)


Jamie said...

Is it July yet?!?! Get here already!

barbara said...

We can't wait for you to come! It will be great to have you with us again. I may just talke the kids to work with me!! You can come and meet us for lunch. Maybe we can have lunch together every day... There are lots of Mexican restaurants around here.