Seach The Maas Family Blog

Monday, December 1, 2008


My brother and his family drove to Texas from St.George and we had a great time! His two older daughters took turns sleeping at our house, putting the kids to bed and playing with me. And yes, I AM smarter than a 5th grader! We were kind of dragging one night, so we turned on some music and danced around Grandma's living room. This is my brother and his oldest daughter.
Ty is just a few months older than Annie and they had SO MUCH FUN playing together. Each meal that we ate as a large family necessitated Annie and Ty next to each other "eating."

Cutie Trevor has this little flirty grin that I ADORE! I was so glad that when we said goodbye on Thanksgiving night he finally bestowed me with a sweet kiss!

Uncle Roy left his Wii at Grandma's house. Everyone learned more about taking turns, but this turn was my favorite! Both little faces are so intense, and their entire bodies got a workout!

We took my first trip to Sam Moon. WOW!!!! That place is amazing! I think Andy will be giving me some money to shop there for my Christmas gift! The kids had quite a bit of fun playing with the accessories, so Emily, Annie, and I cut out early!

The kids love to climb Grandma's little tree in front of her house! Looking at these two, I would say the Taylor family genes are quite strong!

1 comment:

Robot Pirate Ninja said...

I'm stealing that Wii Picture, and the others are great too.

Thanks for this.