Seach The Maas Family Blog

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Woes of My Life

Well, it seems that I have misplaced my wallet yet ANOTHER time today! It was 31 cent scoop night at Baskin Robbins from 5-10pm today. Since Andy had Young Mens and wouldn't be home, I took the kids for a scoop of ice cream before Ben's t-ball practice. Granted, a fabulous sale like this is likely to have lots of people - so many that we waited in line a good 30 minutes before being served and by the time our ice cream was done that line had doubled.

Tonight Andy needed his debit card from my wallet. Why was it there? Because two weeks ago mine dropped out of my wallet while I was shopping and the kids were playing with it. Some dishonest person took my card and hopped from gas station to gas station all around town trying to use it. Thankfully we check our money at least every 3 days and quickly found the pending transactions that were not ours. The old card was cancelled, a new one was sent to me, and the fraudulent charges were credited back to our account. LOVE USAA!!!!!

So, I have been using Andy's card as the main shopper in our household. And he needs it back. It's not in my car hiding place. It's not in the diaper bag. It's not in the box of produce that I gave my sister after we got ice cream. ARGGGHHHH!!!! Not again! You would really think that someone who just had their debit card 'stolen' would be more careful. In all reality, I tend to lose my wallet a lot. I can't even count the number of times that I've returned to Walmart of Target because I left it in the cart after loading my groceries! My poor husband is very patient with me because each time I think I lost it and the store doesn't have it, I call and he walks my through different places it might be. Sometimes the trunk, others wedged in between the seat and the door. It's really ridiculous that this problem continues to occur.

It was actually quite shocking how calm both Andy and I were this evening as we looked up the number for my cheap ice cream date night. Some kind honest person at Baskin Robbins turned in my wallet, and Andy is now on his way to pick up my wallet - and his debit card that he needs to go to Home Depot tonight. Maybe he'll buy the stuff to fix the sprinkler heads that the workers next door broke while putting in a new fence...

I think the real problem is that I try to do too much at a time. Who in their right mind would take 3 little kids to get ice cream on a busy night without another adult to help? Of course, we all know that I am NOT in my right mind. Oh well - the kids were fabulous - waiting in line and carefully eating their ice cream comes. I couldn't have asked for more perfect behavior. It appears I am the only one with the problem! I just need to train Ben and Annie to make sure I always have my wallet...


Amy said...

I'm glad someone got to go. We tried to take our YW tonight but the line was wrapped around the building. Monday was free scoop night at Ben & Jerry's and I MISSED it!

mygrl said...

I just came across your blog, and enjoyed reading it and looking at the pictures. I have a question for you. How do you post more than one picture on one post?