Seach The Maas Family Blog

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm in the DogHOUSE!

Andy was really snippy at me this morning. I just blew it off until he cornered me to confront me. You see, I'm pregnant. And not just pregnant, but I'm carrying twins. However, we really wanted to space the next kids apart a little bit more than Annie and Emily are, so I'm not thrilled. Actually, I'm not happy about it at all and have been in a bit of a funk because of it. So - that's why I'm in the doghouse. At least - according to Andy's dream last night! hehehe

For the record - I would be thrilled because I've always wanted twins, although I'm pretty positive this is NOT the right time. :) Come on, we've been working on our first major house project that I'm NOT pregnant for!!!


Ashley said...

Oh my, I was about to start crying for you....Not that twins wouldn't be a blessing. But I know all to well the craziness of having your kids way too close together.

Unknown said...

Lindsey, you can't do that! I thought you were serious! Hope all is well in TX.

Amy said...

You scared me for a minute there!

Travis and Jamie said...

Lindsey!! It's Jamie Shepherd (upshaw). I saw you on Sara's sight and linked over. I haven't seen you since that time in passing in the chapel in the Mt. Timp temple like 6 years ago!! You probably don't remember that. Any way so good to see you and your cute family.

Unknown said...

I about had a heart attack for you Lindsey! You do make pretty cute babies, so the world would be a better place...maybe not for you, though! I'm glad it was a dream :)


Crystal said...

Wow, you had me scared!