Seach The Maas Family Blog

Monday, October 8, 2012

Father's, Fishing, and Food

Ben has been dying to go fishing.  One Saturday morning, Andy put school aside and we all went to a nearby lake.  He and Ben went ahead to get set up and I brought the three younger kiddos up after.  Absolutely georgous day!!!  Loved it!  We all had a turn and all three of the older kids caught at least one fish!  Mitchell was just adorable...
He is totally at that age where pictures are priceless and cute as can be!  I love watching him learn new things each day - mastering the stairs!
We had a blissful park afternoon with very few children in the area - thus, mine four lovelies played together happily!
We have some great friends we made this summer show us a favorite spot of theirs to go raspberry picking!!!  We are so sad the Vaughns are moving...but we had a great time playing!
Annie and Emily were so delightful!  They just picked and picked and picked some more!  No whining or complaining.  The fieldsd were just beautiful, we were up on a rise with a slight breeze on a very warm day.  Every 10 minutes or so, we could hear a train whistle, which kept Mitchell evtertained.  Then, there was the road of rocks when picking because quite repetetive.  I think we stayed a good 90 minutes!
The raspberry theif!!!!  Seriously, they should have weighed this kid before and after our picking experience - he even attacked the finished bowls.  He LOVES raspberries!!!  No pictures of Ben as he and Trevor made sure to stay in different aisles than all the girls.  They were awesome pickers - definitely need their help again next year.  Sadly, I only got one batch of jam from the many pounds of raspberries we picked - the rest were devoured by my little (and big) ones!
Happy Father's Day!!!!
A nice and relaxing Sunday - just fun to be together!  We spent the evening playing Monopoly Jr (super fun game for little people if you need a suggestion!) and then finally got to have some of Andy's cake.  He loves trifle, angel food cake, etc.  I found the most awesome recipe EVER (though I can't recall the name) and made this incredible cake.  I don't know that I could ever recreate it - or spend the three hours to make each layer again - but I wish I had a picture of the inside.  It was just incredible!  Happy Father's Day to my companion and teammate in trying to raise four very strong exceptionable spirits to become positive contributing members to society!  :)  Love you!!!!

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