Seach The Maas Family Blog

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mishaps of Mitchell and Self-Portraits of Siblings

Mitchell loves cupboards, tight little spaces, and cords.

I was feeding Mitchell yogurt for lunch when there was a knock at the door.  I went to talk with my neighbor for a few minutes and came back to a very sticky baby... 

Poor little Mitchell was sick one Sunday.  The kids put him in his bed so he wouldn't get into their toys.  We found these cute dresses for $7 each at Sears and needed them for the fall.  Andy saw the girls getting ready, and sweet Dad that he is, put on a matching tie. 

Really, the vacuum cord is one of his favorites.  We don't have a hall closet to stash the vacuum in, so it's normally left in whatever room is was used in last...
Then, Emily got ahold of the camera.  She is so sweet.  It's been fun to have her so close in age to Annie and all the similarities and stages they go through.  Annie was constantly writing her name on things (like Ben's sheets with a permanent marker) and would deny the wrongful act.  Andy and I would get so frustrated because no one else would write "Annie" on the floor!  Now, Emily is writing her name on the stone edge of the fireplace.  Same thing with the self-portraits.  We have MANY of Annie from a year or so ago.  Thankfully, because of our experiences with Annie so recently, we can giggle behind our hands yet keep a stern face while explaining we KNOW that you did this, Emily!  It's your name!  Ages and stages...Andy is slowly resigning himself to the fact that sometimes children are destructive - not just to make something else for him to fix, but because it's just a learning process...
Emily is showing me the yoga moves she learned in preschool.  Then she and I made play dough to send in with her preschool class - flavored with black cherry koolaid - it was great stuff!!!

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