Seach The Maas Family Blog

Monday, January 31, 2011

It's the Little Things...

*Sigh* Most days are the same around here. Hurry through breakfast. Hurry through scriptures. Hurry to get coats and backpacks on. Hurry to the bus stop. Hurry to clean up breakfast before day's activities. Hurry to shower and get ready before Mitchell needs to eat or Emily brings him to me. Hurry to change diapers before showers start. Hurry to the car because we're late. Hurry, hurry, hurry. Some would tell me to get up earlier. Most days I am up between 4:30 and 5 to feed Mitchell. Sometimes I wake up Andy and we exercise (but we have to hurry so we can be done on time for him to get to school and so the kids don't get bored waiting for us after they wake up.). Sometimes I go back to sleep. Most times I go back to bed and think about all the things I need to do for that day. I think I just need to plan more - and then actually FOLLOW THROUGH with that plan!

A few months ago, we had a bad Sunday morning. Andy was at an early morning meeting. Annie's tights didn't feel good. Emily didn't want to wear a dress (which is never a battle with her, don't know why it was that morning). Ben's boots were too tight, which we only seem to remember on Sunday mornings and no other time during the week! My clothes didn't fit, so I had to change a few times. I was very pregnant and just wanted to stay home in bed and rest. I was in tears, *gently* encouraging the kids to get into the car because I HATE TO BE LATE. (In all honesty, I was in tears during most of my pregnancy - not sad ones, mostly really happy.) This day, I was just feeling overwhelmed. As we got on the on-ramp to get on the highway, there was a cop car on the side of the road with several men in bright orange jumpsuits picking up trash...convicts. Then the real tears started!!! This is why we are still going to our church meetings, even if we might be a few minutes late. This is why my children think I'm a 'mean mom' when they have negative consequences for their actions. This is why I hurry through most of my daily routine - so my kids can learn to choose the right, and what is important, and how to listen for the Holy Ghost to guide their actions, and so they won't be picking up trash on the side of the road on a Sunday morning. I sure hope they learn these things!!!

What else...? I just love my little guys. This past week I've worked really hard to have all dinner prep done (except for today - whoops!) before Ben and Annie get home from school. Then, we've been doing fun things in the afternoon - puzzles, games, coloring, watching a show together, homework (without mom HURRYING to get dinner together or on the computer looking up a quick recipe), talking, or reading books. It has sure been delightful! It's helped make Andy's absence each night a little bit less painful - this whole night-class act is for the birds!!! Okay, I have 10 minutes to find my talapia recipe for tonight and I'm ready for spelling homework from Ben and painting with Annie! Hope you don't have to HURRY through life..


JoshandJen said...

excellent post, I feel the sameway! you are a great mom with adorable kiddo's!

Jamie said...

Besides my own mom, you are the most wonderful mom I know. Don't worry about the hurrying...that will give your children something to tease you about in 20+ years!

Jen said...

Lets see if I can comment today. That was a really sweet post. I think we all need reminders to slow down every once in awhile so that we enjoy the little things. Are you guys back in your house yet? I hope that you're staying warm and we miss you too!

Katie said...

Way to go, Supermom. You're doing it. One day at a time, except for Andy being gone- that has to go by really fast!