Seach The Maas Family Blog

Sunday, September 7, 2008

MOM!!! Emily just dumped her cereal out!

Wow - just what I wanted to hear this morning! Emily was throwing up for about 2 hours last night, so I went to change the laundry this morning while the kids ate breakfast. Being ever-so-helpful, Ben let me know about Emily's little action.

In my mind, "FABULOUS! She's eating Raisin Bran!!! I just hand-cleaned my floor..." to Ben very cheerfully, "Oh, that's great honey!"

Ben asks, "Why?"

Me, "Because I love to clean up messes!"

Ben, "Um, no you don't!"

I just left it there because any other response I had would not have been Sunday-appropriate.


kristie said...

Sounds like you were pretty calm on this one. I wouldn't have been so calm!

Lindsey said...

unfortunately this happens most mornings when we have cereal. but not emily is at the big table, so the mess wasn't confined to her tray like before. it had already started out as one of those days...