Seach The Maas Family Blog

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Our neighborhood always has an Easter Egg Hunt, and as luck would have it my camera battery was almost dead, so I only got a few pictures. Andy was camping from Thursday to Saturday with the Young Men, so I went with Ben, Annie and Emily. Since I knew I wouldn't be able to watch all three of them and take pictures, I recruited a fabulous friend without kids to help! Here is Annie with her little friend, Brynnley.
This is Easter morning. Andy was at a meeting before church, so I tried to get the three of them to look at me. These are the best two - next to my gorgeous azeleas!!! I think I have beautiful children!

Yesterday in Target, I had 3 different people come up to me and say, "wow, looks like you have your hands full." Or - "looks busy." Most of the time, it's said with a sympathetic look or a sneer. I've tried to come up with a few pat answers and got a few from friends.
"Yep, I like to be busy!"
"You should see them on a bad day!"
"We love kids!"

If you have any other ideas when people make comments about your adorable children, please pass them on!


Juliekins said...


Julie here. So you have me curious about who has me on their blog. Your family is sooooo cute. I love Annie's curly hair. It is good, as always, to hear from you.

Crystal said...

They are beautiful children. I love their easter outfits. Ben seems like such a good helper!

Unknown said...

Your kids are gorgeous! So are your all looks so springy! I get comments like those from people all the time and I never know what to say. If I think of anything clever I'll let you know.

Lindsey said...

I failed to mention that very occasionally, a kind older soul will look at me with longing on his or her face and say, "I really miss those days." I reward them with a sincere smile and something like, "It's really fun, isn't it!" Those comments are extra-special on days when the kids aren't behaving perfectly in public. Sometimes people expect so much from little kids and want them to be like perfect adults - in miniature form. A dose of reality is good for everyone!