Seach The Maas Family Blog

Friday, September 21, 2007

Talk about getting BIG

Annie has decided that she would like to wear panties, so yesterday we bought some and she has been wearing them ever since. It's been all day today (including a short park trip and a long shopping trip at costco) with NO accident. She just came in and told me she needs to "poop, Mom" and went to sit on the potty. This is really TOOO easy! She acts like its no big deal. I haven't pulled out one piece of candy or made any charts. She's done and it's time to wipe! What a great thing! I keep telling myself this is much too good to be true and are totally preparing for a regression....


The Cass Crew said...

Hey Lindsey,

I got your blog address from Nicole. I love hearing about your kiddos! They are so cute! We should catch up. Ben is the age of my little girl, Tatum. They grow so fast! Talk to you soon, I hope! Rachel (Robinson) Cass

Unknown said...

Hey, Gabe was like that. He was potty trained before he was two and I didn't have to do a darn thing. I would hear him say, "Oh, oh" and then hear the toliet lid open and I would find him in there going to the bathroom.

We never had one accident and he never regressed like people kept telling me he would.

I like to claim that I must just be an amazing parent, but I think it is just his personality. And I am sure son #2 won't be trained until he is 4 or something crazy like that.

Sorry I rambled. CONGRATS though!

Unknown said...

Too good to be true?! I'd say you're the luckiest mom in the world...for now :) How old was Ben when you potty trained him? I hear boys are later. I haven't even thought about it yet. Best of luck!