Seach The Maas Family Blog

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Just a Little Update

Well - Emily is a big girl now because she can sit up (fow about 30 seconds, but that still counts!), roll over, turn in circles, and put her plug back in her mouth. Annie is a big girl because she has peed twice in the potty ALL BY HERSELF! She just took off her diaper and climbed on up that porcelin potty. She also has a favorite phrase that I am totally in love with, "ate it alllllllll up, Mommy." It's just adorable. Ben is a big boy because he just it. He can do pretty much anything he sets his mind too and is soooo sweet to Emily! Daddy is a big boy because he flew on an airplane alll by himself today. (Lucky dog!) And me? I'm a big girl because I get to plan my own birthday party! I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it...

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